汽油在油箱保质期多久 汽油在油箱保质期 汽油在油箱保质期是多少时间
2024-12-06 23:50:58


How long does gasoline last in the oil tank?

Under normal conditions, the shelf life of gasoline in an airtight tank is about 3 months.

When storing gasoline, it is recommended to minimize the time it is kept, as some components in gasoline, such as 烯烃, are prone to instability.长时间存放这些物质会导致胶质类物质的生成, which will affect the performance of the fuel and produce sticky residues that can stick to the engine parts. It is recommended to store gasoline in an airtight container, away from direct sunlight, at a low temperature to prevent the formation of gum and to extend the life of the fuel.

Gasoline, also known as petrol (US) or petroleum (UK), is a transparent and flammable liquid with a boiling range of 30-220 degrees Celsius. It is composed mainly of C5-C12 fatty hydrocarbons and cycloalkanes, as well as a certain amount of aromatics. The main function of gasoline is to serve as a fuel for internal combustion engines.

The important properties of gasoline are volatility, stability, resistance to explosion, corrosivity, and cleansing effect.

1. Volatility: Gasoline must quickly evaporate and form a uniform combustible mixture with the air in the engine's combustion chamber. This is mainly determined by the evaporation of the gasoline itself. The main indicators of evaporation are the distillation curve and the saturation vapor pressure.

2. Stability: The ability of gasoline to resist oxidation at normal temperatures and in the liquid phase is called stability. The indicators used to evaluate the stability of gasoline are the iodine value, actual gum content, and the induction period.

3. Resistance to explosion: The ability of gasoline to resist explosion is measured by its RON (Research Octane Number). The RON of gasoline is a measure of its resistance to explosion. The higher the RON, the better the gasoline's resistance to explosion. For the same number of carbon-hydrogen compounds, the order of their RON values is: aromatics, isoparaffins, isobutene, and naphthenes.

4. Corrosivity: The corrosivity of gasoline is related to sulfur and sulfur compounds, organic acids, and water-soluble acids or bases.

5. Cleaning action: Gasoline usually contains mechanical impurities and water. These impurities can cause serious problems, such as clogging of the engine and increased wear. If gasoline is mixed with water, it will accelerate the oxidation of the fuel and form acidic solutions with low-molecular organic acids, which will corrode metal. Therefore, it is important to control the amount of impurities and water in gasoline.



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