2024-12-11 07:07:36

The UEFA European Championship, commonly referred to as the Euro, is a prestigious football tournament held every four years. The number of matches in the UEFA European Championship varies depending on the format of the tournament. As of the latest edition in 2020, here is the breakdown of the number of matches:

  • Group Stage: In the group stage, 24 teams are divided into six groups of four teams each. Each team plays against the other teams in their group, resulting in a total of 36 matches.
  • Round of 16: The top two teams from each group advance to the knockout stage, where they compete in the round of 16. This stage consists of 8 matches.
  • Quarter-finals: The winners of the round of 16 matches progress to the quarter-finals, which includes 4 matches.
  • Semi-finals: The victorious teams from the quarter-finals move on to the semi-finals, comprising 2 matches.
  • Final: The two remaining teams compete in the final match to determine the champion of the UEFA European Championship.

Therefore, in total, the UEFA European Championship typically consists of 51 matches, including the group stage, knockout stage, and the final.

It is important to note that the number of matches may vary in future editions of the tournament depending on any changes made to the format by UEFA.



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