2025-03-12 18:06:14
On the export of goods repair notice: according to customs import and export declaration export principle, repair goods, regardless of value, weight is a number, as long as the repair after the need to import, export must be declared to the customs, the Customs has a record, then the repair end imports only to the customs can be imported, without pay customs duty and value added tax! If the authorization to mail express form of export, then repair after import will pay customs duty and value added tax.
On the repair of goods for export notifications : according to the principles of customs import and export declarations, maintenance of export goods, no matter how much is the value, weight, as long as the maintenance required after import, exports must be declared to the customs, Customs has a record, then imported maintenance ends just to the write-off of customs can import, without payment of customs duty and sales tax! If you export as mailing Express without authorization, so imports will again after the end of maintenance payment of customs duty and sales tax.
Repair of goods on the export notice: In accordance with the principle of customs import and export declarations, export goods maintenance, regardless of the value of the weight of how much, as long as the repairs need to import, export must be declared to the Customs Customs have the record, then the maintenance endjust go to the time of import Customs write off can be imported, without payment of customs duties and VAT. If the unauthorized mail express in the form of exports, and maintenance after the end re-imported when the payment of customs duties .


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