e牌驾驶证能开什么车? e牌驾驶证能开大排量摩托吗 e牌驾驶证能开1000cc的摩托车吗
2025-02-18 14:22:30

What types of vehicles can be driven with an E-class driving license?

According to the regulations, an E-class driving license is only valid for driving ordinary two-wheeled motorcycles with a yellow plate (E-class) or light motorcycles with a blue plate. These vehicles are defined as having an engine with a capacity greater than 50ml or a maximum design speed greater than 50km/h. It should be noted that this type of driving license cannot be used to drive ordinary three-wheeled motorcycles or any other types of cars. It is important to have the necessary driving skills to operate a vehicle safely, as driving without a valid license is illegal and can lead to accidents on the road.



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