2025-02-21 03:09:36
About "Howls Mountain village" this book, for many years every time has referred to the 19th century Western Europe literature in the world literary arena, must involve "Howls Mountain village" the discussion. Had many renowned critics and the writers of fiction once had the special article elaboration. For example: British famous woman of letters Virginia? Woolf (ViginiaWoolf,1882-1941)Has written " in 1916 And " an article. She has made these two books a comparison. She wrote: "Howls Mountain village" causes me to remember Egyptian? Standard Rico⑿In these great drawing, in that marks is under a dark cloud dim wild thin soil place scenery, roll of thunder lengthened the thin and pale person's shadow totters, is not belongs to mood between this mortal world by one kind to make as if stupefied, they are holding the breath. The plumbeous sky passed over gently and swiftly a lightning, added on last for this scene, has increased feeling of the mystical terror.” in brief, "Howls Mountain village" is a great work, also has the reputation is “the most unusual novel”. Just like but Arnold? Kettle said: “Greece punctures the gram Li Fu revolt is one kind of special revolt, was these (is referred to by this identical society Victoria time society) the condition and the social relations has disparaged in the human body and the spirit worker's revolt. Greece punctured a gram severe husband afterward indeed no longer was by the exploiter, however also indeed because just he used ruling class's standard (even to cause roughshod method which by one kind ruling class was in itself also afraid), neutral the human nature value which implied to Katherine's love in also vanishes in his early time's revolt in him_ In Katherine and Greece puncture all which in the gram Li Fu relations contains, represents all in humanity's demand and the hope, only then through is oppressed revolts positively can realize.”


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