:小学英语日记大全 小学英语日记5句话
2024-11-07 09:31:10

  this evening, i went out for a walk, all of a sudden feeling of being enveloped in a landscape of shrill, and the sky looking to the west afar, i found that the rosy clouds in the sky slowly changing the shape, and sometimes as a giant, sometimes hung as lion, time would like to dye a variety of color of the mountains.
  the warmth of the sun shot came from the window, as in this potted plant, the flowers appeared to extend the bloom seems to be stretching it. rose vigorous branches, flowers, full, open at the beginning was light yellow, pink gradually changing to do. she diaozhongyan like flowers, can easily survive, such as chrysanthemum, long unbeaten.
  today,i go shopping,i am very happy.my mother give me a pair of shoes .he teld me:i shoud study hard than before.i know studying can make me happy .i must study hard .
  this evening, i went out for a walk, all of a sudden feeling of being enveloped in a landscape of shrill, and the sky looking to the west afar, i found that the rosy clouds in the sky slowly changing the shape, and sometimes as a giant, sometimes hung as lion, time would like to dye a variety of color of the mountains.



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